Actually, I still confuse. I dunno.. I don't know what should i feel now. Happy? No..Sad? No..arghh..Im sick of feeling this kind of thing. Stress, depressed.. ;(
I need time to be alone, utk buang sgala bnda2 x elok ni. ntah la..kalu boleh, I need enjoyment, need to be entertained. I's been a long time I don't enjoyed myself. Especially with my besties. I need them all. Really~
Assignments, still a lot more to be done. Sigh~~
Dalam bilik..I totally cannot focus on my study.. You know what? hmm.. Bilik ni sgt2 xx kemas.. Rubbish all around! Sampah di mana2 pn kelihatan dlm bilik ni. I've tried n tried to make my part clean. Tpi the other part make this room KOTOR ! Ini bukan kwasan pmbuangan smpah.! kain2 berselerakan mcm smpah la juga. If u need all the thing, then simpan n susun bagus2. Bukan just biarkn mcm tu saja. Pelajar U namanya, dean list tpi x pndai fikir tentang kebersihan. APAKAH?
1 thing, time sya buat assignment movie pula dipasang dgn sound yg sgt kuat. PEKAK sgt ka??? I give u my fully co-operation..Why DON"T YOU???? Tension btul la.. Kalu ikutkn hati ni, memang sudah lama sya bunuh ko..haa..tanduk syaitan kuar suda. haha..Barang2 ko sendiri dlm bilik ni ko x susun, mcm bukan hak milik ko. Bila hilang then tnya sya..APAKAH?? Jgn tnya sya if ada lagi barang ko hilang. KO sendiri yg letak ikut suka hati ko kn..Then pagi2 pakaian lepas tanggal x letak d tmpat spatutnya, U just let it there until bila pn sya x tau la kalu x kena tegur. DON'T you ever MENGOTORKN half part of this room!! Bilik ni kita share, it's not just U. Didn't u see me?? Am I too dark for u too see? Or transparent until u couldn't see anything? TOLONG LAAA..1 more thing, tolong jgn cemarkan bilik ni dgn BAU yg x seberapa..Bau tu datang dari baju2 yg sudah berkulat sbb sdah brkurun x cuci!~ ergh!!!
Ok, skg ni sy mls mo menaip.. I;;ll cont. tommorow. huh !~
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