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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thank You All For Your Burfday Wishes..

Yesterday, I have received many kind wishes for my birthday and want to thank all those who have sent messages or e-mails. They are really appreciated and it means a lot to me. I’m not the measure of what i’ve done but more of who I am and those who’ve I’ve surrounded myself with. Thank you to those who’ve motivated me and pushed me to greater heights. You are the reason why and who I am today.
Another year older and I realize there should not be anything to be scared of anymore. Just deal with your insecurities, mistakes, and flaws like a grown human being. People accept you for who you are and love you through the moments you endure and smile like there is no tomorrow. So with much resilience in your heart, I hope everyone will love life and live passionately.
Once again I thank you all for the wonderful wishes and for occasionally being willing to listen and watch the productions that I make.
Thank you very much.


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