Hi !

Friday, April 1, 2011


X tau la, mood utk cnteng2 d blog ni awal2 pagi tiba2 dtg.. Bkan apa, bila sya fikir balik ke belakang..erm..it seems like sya x boleh utk puaskn hati stiap org. Ya, I am not PERFECT. Sya hanyalah manusia lemah, all i can do is.. Doing the best as i can. But, for certain people..the best yg kta buat tu x cukup..That's y sya ckap sy x smpurna utk semua itu. Ok la, to whom it may concern.. Sya minta maaf bnyak2.. Sya x prnah ada mksud utk mlukakn hati or mguris hati kmu.. ya la, manusia kn..ada yg too sensitive, ada jga yg x.. but for me, as long as org tu bleh terima khadiran sy & faham dgn sya..That's more than enough. I just being my truly self. I do love you, ini mmg sya x boleh nafikan. Tpi ntah la, mgkin sikap sya..or ada sesuatu yg membuatkan org tu nmpak sy x syg dia..but actually..I DO..Biar la, no need to think too much about it..kn..hehe.. Hidup Hanya Sekali, then I'll try to make each and every moments of my life is happy. I mean, more happines than sadness. I only have 1 life, so I have the rights to live my life to the fullest ! ^_^

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